Category Archives: Modern Mysteries

Man who found Forrest Fenn’s famed treasure reveals identity

Man who found Forrest Fenn’s famed treasure reveals identity

A man who claims to have found the elusive treasure belonging to eccentric collector Forrest Fenn has just revealed in his identity in an online post. The finder identified himself Monday in a post on Medium as Jack Stuef and said he searched for two years before finding it in June in Wyoming – where Forrest hid it ten years ago.

Mysterious ancient civilization left signs across vast desert

Is Saudi Arabia the next big heritage tourism destination?

This other worldly landscape is Al-Ula county. Covering nearly 9,000 square miles (22,500 sq km), in north-west Saudi Arabia, it is about the same size as New Jersey. Kennedy is part of an international team carrying out what they say is the Kingdom’s largest ever archaeological survey, which began in March.

American Diplomatic Staff in China Report Hearing Strange Sounds Then Experiencing Symptoms of Brain Trauma

A string of mysterious illnesses ailing American diplomats at a U.S. consulate in southern China has prompted the State Department to evacuate some employees and their families as concerns grow that a “sonic weapon” is being deployed. The New York Times reports the State Department evacuated at least two afflicted Americans from Guangzhou, China this week after they reported hearing strange noises.

‘Supersonic Tic Tac’ UFO stalked US aircraft carrier for days and stunned fighter pilots, Pentagon report reveals

A SUPERSONIC UFO shaped like a tic-tac stalked a US Aircraft carrier for days before vanishing into thin air, according to a bombshell Pentagon report. The object – which could reportedly hover in mid air and make itself invisible – bamboozled US Navy fighter pilots during a training exercise in the Pacific Ocean.

Mass Grave of World’s Richest Pirate and Crew Found in Cape Cod

Pirates are one of those strange historical side notes which somehow became deeply embedded into our popular culture. At least, the Walt Disney version of pirates, not the STD-ridden, horrifically violent world of cabin boys, scurvy, and amputations. Pirates were a common threat and nuisance around the world for centuries, and still are in some areas beyond the protection of navies.

Computer scientists may have solved the mystery behind the ‘sonic attacks’ in Cuba

Professor Kevin Fu and members of the Security and Privacy Research Group at the University of Michigan say they have an explanation for what could have happened in Havana: two sources of ultrasound – such as listening devices – placed too close together could generate interference and provoke the intense sounds described by the victims.